Category: Varsity

The day before.

So I gave in to nasty viruses caus­ing the bet­ter of my flu days before the finals. Well uh, I pre­fer how ‘days’ feels more calm­ing when it’s actu­ally tomor­row. Blah. Bet­ter sick now than any time dur­ing the course of the com­ing five days. Seems like it was only yes­ter­day we were prep­ping our battleguns. […]


Par­don those shiny silky webs show­ing up all over the place cour­tesy of stick-figure-terrorizing spi­ders. The won­ders of a three-week-lack of updates. The next few weeks will be cru­cial to both SPMers, STP­Mers and uni­ver­sity stu­dents as we charge head-on into the exam sea­son. Best of luck to all.