
I’m reach­able at: sheng­han [at], which is also my Win­dows Live Mes­sen­ger address.


Have any­thing to say about this web­site? or does it look bro­ken on your browser? or how it sucks more than your house­hold vac­uum? or you just want to share how you slammed your mouse when IE crashes for the 3218937th time and ended up here? Feel free to drop a com­ment below.

74 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Umang

    Hi Ember, I dis­cov­ered your site from the Smash­ing­magazine arti­cle. I’ve been work­ing on my first photo/personal blog for a long­time now. I chose to hand code (as opposed to using a theme) because I wanted some­thing truly orig­i­nal. You have lit­er­ally raised the bar HIGHER than I any site I’ve seen both in terms of design and qual­ity of pho­to­graphic con­tent! Now you have to tell me…where do you even begin when putting together some­thing as ele­gant and visu­ally inter­est­ing as this? What’s your typ­i­cal work­flow? I remem­ber see­ing sketches…but do you com­pose it in Pho­to­shop first then slice and dice for CSS?

    1. ember Post author

      Thank you, Cathy. =D If you’re refer­ring to the link to ‘’, it shouldn’t be load­ing as its domain have expired. No wor­ries though, that is just the URL to my old blog which has since been doing a 301 redi­rect to this domain. It was work­ing for awhile — I guess my friend finally decided not to renew his domain after all these years. Thanks for the heads up though!

  2. Renne

    Well, this com­ment is not new but I have to be one more to say!…

    W-O-W!!!! Your blog design is incred­i­ble. I wish I was as tal­ented as you! I’m not sure if that inspires me to cre­ate a blog and turn me off since I have a long way to go when comes to design some­thing so nice!

    But it does not mat­ter! Your site is very nice anyway!!!

    Good luck with your Engi­neer­ing degree!!! IF you ded­i­cate the same time to your degree you will turn into one of the best engi­neers in the world!!!


  3. Lauren

    I noticed you are using the same Canon I am cur­rently using, 1000D. I find your pho­tos so amaz­ing, it tells a lot of sto­ries.. I never even thought that you’re still quite young to be a very good pho­tog­ra­pher. Since you’re using 1000D, can you rec­om­mend me any good lenses you are already using for trav­el­ing & shoot­ing inte­rior details please? Thank you so much!

  4. Jim Horvath


    We just wanted to let you know that domain TEHCPENG.COM is being released back to the market.

    Since you own TEHCPENG.NET, we believe that you might have inter­est in secur­ing TEHCPENG.COM as well.

    If you are inter­ested, please go to: to get more infor­ma­tion and con­firm your interest.

    All the addi­tional infor­ma­tion is avail­able on our web site, but feel free to reply back to this email and we will be more than happy to help you.

    Kind regards,

    Jim Hor­vath


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