Month: March 2005

Say with me: Marr-low

First of all, my PC is back, turned out to be a power sup­ply thingy which got burned. Every­thing is fine and the HD is untouched So, I finally got bored with kubrick and also because it’s was made the default theme for WP 1.5, which many new WP users would auto­mat­i­cally use. Want­ing my […]

Google does it again

Well, Google just wont run out of new ideas. The lat­est fea­ture fresh from the search giant is called Google Q&A.For exam­ple, if you queried ‘Malaysia pop­u­la­tion’, Google auto­mat­i­cally gives you your answer: ’23,522,482 (July 2004 est.)’ above the results. Pretty neat huh? This fea­ture sure saves a LOTs of time for those crawl­ing the net […]


Oh noes! My good ol’ desk­top had just bro­ken down! It all hap­pened after I tried to install a new CD-writer but it could startup on the first try. but after a trip to the toi­let while wait­ing for its slow ass to fin­ish load­ing, I came back find­ing it dead.. I press the power […]