Year: 2008

We heart carparks!

Ever since this big sign was put up for the masses, we’ve been flock­ing to park our cars under some long-overdue shade for a car park. What more, it’s free! For now, at least. =) But the beauty of this six-storey build­ing is not only the park­ing spaces it pro­vides, but also the panoramic view of Kuching […]

2008 is here!

2008 has made a really, really wet entry. And I mean really wet. I just came back from a very wet but mem­o­rable count­down at the Boule­vard Mall. Unfor­tu­nately it’s really late now and the good­ies will have to wait. =) In the mean­time, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! ———————— Update: So we planned to spend the countdown […]