Year: 2010

Guiltily Inactive

I looked up. Star­ing at my Machine Dynam­ics 2 lecturer’s ever so vivid body lan­guage as he tried — fran­ti­cally — to liven up a class­room full of stu­dents wear­ing that unmis­tak­able wtfarey­outalkingabout expres­sion. Words find them­selves hard to stick in one piece as they escape his mouth rid­ing on a heavy Middle-eastern accent. Incom­pre­hen­si­ble syl­la­bles collapse […]

A thousand words isn’t enough.

The best photo essays on the planet? Pic­tory does it, col­lab­o­ra­tively with stun­ning pre­sen­ta­tion and typog­ra­phy to boot. Not to men­tion pow­er­ful sto­ries that accom­pany strong phở­tos. It’s Boston’s The Big Pic­ture, only on steroids. It’s phở­tog­ra­phy, design and poetry done right. As of writ­ing, Pic­tory only has six hum­ble but hugely inspi­ra­tional fea­tures and I’m already sold […]