Category: School

Of monkeys and squirrels

Blimey, it’s been a long time. And wow, just look at how thick the under­growth around here is. And the trees! THE TREES!! They’re so god­damned tall! Oh my, was that a mon­key that just swung past me..? Oh no, might be a squir­rel, or what­ever. Sigh, lots of land-clearing to do around here now.. […]

WTF?! #2

This just sucks. Today our prin­ci­pal came over to our class and ordered us (lit­er­ally) to be pre­pared to switch class­rooms with 4 Atom. We were like WTF? What hap­pened to democ­racy? Obvi­ously no one wants to switch class­rooms with 4 Atom. Every­one stayed rooted to their seats, silently curs­ing her. It was not until […]