Get Paid to read emails!

I thought some­thing like this prob­a­bly wouldn’t deserve a post of itself on my blog, so I made a hid­den page for it, only acces­si­ble when you click what have you clicked to get here. heh.

Any­way, I’ll get straight to the point and not try to sound like those scams out there. Hits4pay is sim­ply put, a paid email site where they send you adver­tise­ments and pay you to click on them. Now before you go skep­ti­cal, note that you don’t have to pay a cent. In fact, they pay you 10 US dol­lars just by sign­ing up.

Any­way, they charge $0.02 for every ad you click. I know thats lit­tle and I had my skep­tisms at first but I thought, hey why not? Prob­a­bly 5 min­utes a day click­ing and earn­ing a few cents would accu­mu­late up to the min­i­mum pay­out of 25 US dol­lars in a few months.

Now comes the ‘do they really pay’ part. I’m a cau­tious guy myself and actu­ally did some research into the hits4pay com­pany before I joined. It seems that this site has been run­ning for quite some time and has really great cus­tomer ser­vice, not to men­tion the com­pany is rated 5 stars for cus­tomer ser­vice. So yes, it does pay, accord­ing to numer­ous tes­ti­mo­ni­als I have read through­out forums and blogs. The only down­side is that accu­mu­lat­ing that $25 takes time.

The trick to really earn fast is to refer as many peo­ple as you can. First level earn­ings, are counted as $0.01 per click same goes with sec­ond level earn­ings. That is really where you earn and you’ll receive your check in no time. I’ve read tes­ti­mo­ni­als of peo­ple with hun­dreds of down­lines click­ing away and they’re earn­ing like sell­ing hot cakes.

So in con­clu­sion, Hits4pay isn’t really a scam as some peo­ple claim it to be. It just takes effort to refer it to as many peo­ple you can or time, if you are not will­ing to put out that effort. After all, there no such thing as free lunch.

So why not give it a try and reg­is­ter today?

Not sure how or to start? Head to the Click­ing Pays blog for help and tips to join the Hits4pay programme!

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