Vector Art Portfolio

Ah, vec­tors. Just can’t get enough of them. Here are my vec­tor art­work, pro­duced in both Adobe Pho­to­shop and Illustrator.

More infor­ma­tion on vec­tors: here.

Boe­ing 787 Dream­liner, 2007

First ever vec­tor prod­uct of Adobe Illus­tra­tor for me.


2006 BMW 3 Series, 2007 (In progress — updated 3÷3÷08)

Agh, pro­cras­ti­na­tion and being over-ambitious led to the demise of this one.

Mas­ter Yoda from the Star Wars, 2005

The only vec­tor of an organic life­form I’ve ever spent my time on. Yoda’s organic, no? Adobe Photoshop.

Wall­pa­per: here.

Air­bus A380, 2005

Adobe Pho­to­shop.

Wall­pa­per: here.

BMW 3 Series, 2004

Adobe Pho­to­shop. I know, I have this thing for BMWs. =D

Wall­pa­per: here.