Till Next Year

Today marks the 15th day of the first month of the Chi­nese lunar cal­en­dar and, also the end of the Chi­nese New Year cel­e­bra­tions. Just like Chi­nese New year’s eve, its tra­di­tion to lit fire­crak­ers on this day (though ille­gal here) but today’s fire­works dis­play wasnt as grand as CNYs eve.

The moon, in its full bloom could be seen through the par­tialy clouded sky. Clouded though, with the smoke of fire­crak­ers, giv­ing it a slight orange-ly glow.. Its pretty much quiet now (or else why should I be sit­tin here) and its last 1 hour of the day, at the time of writ­ing of course.

Oh well, the cel­e­bra­tions had been fun, but we’re still sad its over, so fast. how time flies. Exams are only 2 days away *gasp* and I havent touched my books! Now that I thought about it, I’d bet­ter stop writ­ing now and do some studying..