Back to school

Whilst a good big half of my form 5 class are already call­ing them­selves uni­ver­sity stu­dents, rush­ing to meet assign­ment dead­lines and attend­ing lec­tures, I’m sit­ting here blog­ging my ass off. As fore­seen, we have come to a part­ing of the ways, or many ways. Like a tree in which at one point the trunk ends up in seem­ingly messy branches spread­ing out, each reach­ing its own heights.

..and me? I’d be a fledg­ing lit­tle branch, prob­a­bly sprout­ing a leaf or two. Some­times I won­der if I’m still part of the trunk. Which, in a way, makes sense for I’d be head­ing back to school. Form 6 that is.

Any­way, I’m not all that moody for form 6. They say it’s a two-year psy­cho­log­i­cal stress pro­gramme. Oth­ers, a waste of time. I’ve had a lot of advice on these form 6-or-not-form 6 top­ics. Mind you, col­lege dudes, form 6 has far higher stan­dards and thus, dif­fi­culty but in the end, those who had gone through the sixth form are said to bear more qual­ity than those get-graduated-quick pro­grammes. And before you know it you’d be grad­u­at­ing form 6 with a place in a pub­lic uni­ver­sity which has actu­ally became eas­ier to cope with.

No offense to those already in them though. I have no inten­tion of mak­ing you think twice if you’re really up to pay­ing your foun­da­tion course. If you’re sure thats the path you want to take and won’t regret it, go on by all means.

So back on topic, that’s why I pre­fer to call form 6 the two-year gem-making pro­gramme. XD

Form 6 really isn’t going to be that bad after all. Word has it that it starts this 15th, which is next tues­day. Gasp! And I’ll be going to school this Thurs­day to check the form 6 admit­tance list. I’ll prob­a­bly be going for sci­ence stream, with the Physics option.

So, I’d bet­ter be mak­ing use of these few days to get new sets of school uni­forms. Prob­a­bly a new bag, and sta­tion­ary. Get a hair­cut, shave, nails and what­not. Sigh, strict school life.

And the books. About a month ago, my dad took me to Pop­u­lar where I grabbed three form 6 books home just to start on famil­iaris­ing myself with the new syl­labus. Each of those books could weighed as much as a hard-covered ency­clo­pe­dia. Com­plete with coloured glossy pages cover to cover, illus­tra­tions and such, they’re no ordi­nary school text­books with kiddy illus­tra­tions and monot­one pages. Per­haps that’s some­thing for a change. But hon­estly, well, I haven’t been really touch­ing them. XD

Well then, it’s back to school every­body! Can’t wait. XD

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